Forty-three years ago this August, someone who would change our lives forever was born.

To mark the anniversary of Brett's birth, we had a mini-party at our kitchen table. Katie was in Arkansas for the middle school mission trip, so it was just the three of us this time.

Only a seasoned veteran of this birthday thing could blow out his candles without leaning forward!

Brett's Mini-Me picked out a special card for him.

It really cracked him up. (And can I just say how much I love Ryan's little smirk?)

Only Ryan would give his dad a pink, unicorn-adorned card addressed "to the birthday girl"!

Brett was excited to find a package from Sun Studio on the table. (Note the fancy wrapping paper. I spare no expense or extravagance when it comes to birthdays!)

Soon after returning from our vacation, he had mentioned that he wished he'd bought a T-shirt
when we were at Sun. The internet to the rescue! And lucky me, the package from Memphis arrived while Brett, who usually checks our mail, was in Las Vegas for a convention.

Ryan gave him
The Lost Boys on DVD.


The Frank Drummond (Leslie Nielsen) talking card was a hit, too.

But apparently my picture-taking got a little old...
I know, I know: I took a bunch of photos. But I love all of these different expressions, and I LOVE MY MAN!
(Actual post date: 11/8/10)
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