Ryan & Katie, First Day of School, August 2009
Another May Shot

And Another from the First Day
I love how all of these first/last day pictures are like a race: Ryan gets taller, Katie catches up, then Ryan takes the lead again...
Last year I bemoaned the changes our babies went through in the course of one school year, so you'd think I'd be used to this transformation thing. But they're my BABIES!!!
The HI Express "after" shots were taken during our Memorial Day Weekend get-away. The kids had been wanting to return to our former home for a while, so we figured this holiday was as good a time as any. It was camping, Dub-style: indoor pool, air-conditioning, board games, soft beds. Works for us!
For the record, here are the kids on our new porch on the actual last day of school, May 28:

And here's how the kids feel about being finished with this school year: