How delightful to wake up in LA to a gorgeous morning! While our family and friends back home were out of school because of ice and frigid temps, we had nothing but sunshine.

Dana and Kelley's backyard is one of my favorite places to be. It's beautiful, its aromas are out-of-this-world, and every time I'm there, I know I'm among good friends that I only get to see on special occasions.

So it's no surprise that after waking up and getting dressed, I found myself wandering around the backyard, taking in the sights and smells.

After a quick breakfast, we gave Dana (long A, to distinguish her from Dana with a short A, our hostess) a ride to the train station. Then we stopped by Ralph's to pick up some tailgating supplies.

We were drawn to the orange cupcakes and Texas balloons!
Back at K&D's house,

we packed the picnic basket and got ready for the drive out to the game.

Here's our rental car. Fortunately, the seven of us didn't have to take it out to Pasadena!

Oh, no. We had a PARTY VAN, complete with horns on top!

We made one quick stop to buy some chairs,

and then we did a little sightseeing along the way. We drove past CBS Television City,

and we saw the Bronson Gate at Paramount Studios.
After some fancy driving, we made it to Pasadena. We saw the
trademark bungalows in town and all the viewing stands from last week's parade.

We knew we were close when we saw this old friend!

We were really and truly back at the Rose Bowl!
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