Friday, November 28, 2008


Angi tagged me, so I'm listing 25 things for which I'm thankful. What a great exercise! Once I got started, it was hard to limit the list to 25. So many blessings...

In no particular order (and with no regard for parallel structure):

1. The fact that my mom and Brett's parents and siblings live so close to us
2. Equity and good credit
3. Not just a house of our own but a storage unit, too!
4. A husband who loves me and our kids and who works so hard to take such good care of us
5. Two children who amaze me and teach me something new every day
6. My job
7. Vince Young, the Rose Bowl and my football buddy who got me that precious ticket
8. Kerbey Lane, Mother's, Chuy's, Mount Bonnell, the Arboretum cows and everything else that is great about Austin, Texas, baby
9. Longhorn football, tailgating and all our Section 1 friends
10. A family willing to tolerate my football obsession
11. My iPhone and MacBook, blogging, Facebook, email and digital photography
12. Print and online newspapers
13. The Brady Bunch
14. eBay (for helping me feed my Bradymania)
15. Sonic ice
16. Burnt orange purses, burnt orange backpacks, burnt orange everything
17. Central heat and air
18. ChaCha
19. MediaShout and the A/V booth
20. My church family
21. Friendships that endure across the miles and over the years
22. Lyle Lovett
23. Health insurance
24. Cook Children's and the incredible staff in the H/O clinic
25. Recombinant clotting factor

So, fellow bloggers: Consider yourself tagged!

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