We're in the midst of
Project GOOD and
VBS this week, plus we've got the big party on Saturday. Still, we had to have a celebration for our foursome on Ryan's actual birthday! We went to IHOP (
the "official" HCC one) for lunch, ran to Sam's to order the cake for Saturday, and then came home for some cake and ice cream.

Then Ryan got to open a present! After VBS the kids and I watched
Alvin and the Chipmunks, pausing the DVD at 11:19 p.m. to celebrate Ryan's birth-minute. So now he's officially 12, and I'm officially in denial.
It was just a mini-party, but apparently it was too much for Cha-Cha!
Happy Birthday, Ryan!!
Congrats Ryan. Sorry I couldn't be there this year. It was fun hanging out with you and Katie this summer though. Let's do it again around Christmas.
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