A whole bunch of us have been praying for our friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer in November. She and her husband are facing this challenge armed with their unwavering faith, and I've learned so much from their strength, sense of humor, and openness. Already they've done more for ME than I could ever hope to do for THEM. I hope they know what an inspiration they've been!
We've been thrilled to celebrate their good news (early detection! clear margins! clear lymph nodes! four out of five "favorable" prognostic indicators!), but we've also been honored to pray with them as they face whatever's next. This week, the "next" is their meeting with her oncologist.
Since her surgery last month, they've been waiting for the results of her Oncotype DX test. These results will give them some idea of her chances for recurrence and help determine her course of treatment. Obviously, we're praying that the cancer's gone for good--so we're praying for a LOW-LOW-LOW number. If the number is low enough, she may be able to avoid chemo!
The appointment is Wednesday. Please join us as we pray:
- for complete healing;
- for a LOW number;
- for confidence that the cancer will not return;
- for God's peace to envelop them as they wait for these results.
We are so thankful they've allowed us to share this journey with them. We're also thankful for the medical advances that have made a test like this one possible. But more than ever, we're thankful that our hope is not based on what doctors can and can't do. Our loving Father is there for us, He hears our prayers, and He never, ever, ever lets go of us!