To celebrate Katie's birthday, we went skating with some friends from church. Skatie Katie really knows her way around the rink, and we had a great time.

For most of the time, we were the only ones at the rink! It was nice to have the whole floor to ourselves.

After we'd been there a while, the rink staff led us in a few games, like races, the limbo and a dance contest.

Here are the three finalists in the Macarena dance-off. Talk about TALENT! We had some major hip action going on.

Of course, there were moments when everybody just needed a breather:

After skating for 2 1/2 hours, we headed back to our house for presents, lunch, Wii sports and cake.

We were so glad we could share Katie's birthday with her friends! In fitting with her party theme, her guests were all good sports, especially considering our A/C isn't working and our house was a tad warm.
It was so warm, in fact, that after our guests had gone home, Ryan jumped into the pool! He, like our pool thermometer, must be a polar bear. The water was only 74 degrees! I could barely even stick my feet in the water, but Ryan swam for about 30 minutes. Brrrrr!!!

So now, three cakes and celebrations later, I think we can say we have duly noted Katie's 10th birthday!
Happy Birthday again and again and again, Katie!
Three cakes!! How did she manage that?
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