As part of the Power Zone class, Ryan got to help act out scenes from Acts on Wednesday night. Power Zone, made up of fifth and sixth graders, created digital photos that were used to teach the younger kids.
Jamba, our incredibly creative children's minister, has started posting still and video images from different activities to help keep parents aware of what happens on Sundays and Wednesdays: Jamba's site
It's been fun to get a glimpse into some of the stuff that happens while I'm holed up in the A/V booth!
You know, I have been very impressed with how much Bible and not fluff Jamba is teaching the kids. The boys are really learning and not just being occupied. (I am NOT saying that the previous minister was just fluff) What story are they acting out there?
Glad you had a good birthday.
This story was "Paul Sails for Rome."
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