A few months ago, when Katie told me about her Battle of the Books competition, I knew I couldn't miss it. I requested my personal leave way in advance so I could attend this event. I couldn't get off work for the school spelling bee; I have yet to attend a character kid assembly. I didn't dare miss this one, though. Besides, today's my birthday, so taking a personal day was my present to myself.
For months Katie and her team members have been reading, studying and practicing for this event, and today, they matched wits with teams from each of the elementary schools in our district. A gym full of kids answered questions as a team, questions like, "In which book does a character claim that certain creatures can live without a head?" After 20 seconds, the librarian/judge raised a card to indicate if the team at her table got the point or not.
It was interesting to see the different kids respond to their results. On some of the easier questions that just about every team knew, the answer's revelation resulted in a chorus of "YESSSSSSSSSS!" across the room. Katie was especially fun to watch. Even between questions she would dance and move while standing at her school's table. Pretty fun!
Our team didn't place in the top three, but rumor has it that they may have placed as high as fourth. Regardless, Katie and her teammates worked hard, learned a lot and had a fun day at the competition.
Where's Katie? Can you find her?

OK, OK. How 'bout in this picture?

Our team!

Later that night we celebrated at No Frills Grill.

Of course, we had to play trivia. Guess who won?