We had a special guest at our tailgate Saturday:

The Chick-fil-A "Eat Mor Chikin" Cow!
He was walking past our tent but stopped to toss the football a little.
Then he walked up to our tables and started helping himself! The Chick-fil-A promo people were all over the tailgating lots Saturday. Before we even arrived at our tailgate, someone had dropped off two bags of free Chick-fil-A sandwiches and a gallon of sweet tea. Sweet!
Fortunately for Mr. Cow, he was long gone by the time we started grilling, ahem, hamburgers.
The Horns won again, this time 36-10, and this week without the need for a scary come-from-behind victory!
Since I grew up on a farm, I do have some cow terminology expertise! Cow refers to a male or a female cow just like dog refers to a male or female dog. A male cow is also called a bull or a steer depending upon the condition of his "maleness". A female cow is called a heifer. Aren't you glad to know all of that!
That tailgating party looks like fun! I bet you miss it when football season is over.
Thanks for the info, Jenna! I just read something about the inaccuracies in the movie Barnyard--bulls with udders or something like that--so the terminology was on my mind. It's nice to know that Mr. Cow is OK!
I am a little sad that we have just one home game (and one tailgate) left for this season. It will be nice to actually have my Saturdays back for running errands and doing laundry, though!
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