Tonight our small group had its annual pumpkin carving party. We all gathered in a garage and driveway to carve our jack-o-lanterns, eat snacks, let the kids play, and enjoy each other's company. As always, it was a fun evening! We were especially happy to be there since Ryan and Katie both spent part of the weekend recovering from illnesses. Many thanks to our gracious hosts!
The wind made it difficult to keep all the jack-o-lanterns lit.
The dragon jack-o-lantern was Katie's creation. She and Ryan followed the stencil and carved it themselves.
Whoever could've created this one?
Plan A:
Katie goes to birthday/slumber party Friday night. I will pick her up Saturday morning on the way to Grapevine to drop off Ryan at another party. Katie and I will shop while Ryan parties. Brett will do some "guy stuff" with his buddies while we're away. After the party, we'll head to Memaw's to take care of a few errands for her. Later, Brett will take the kids to Trunk of Treats, the Halloween carnival at our church, while I watch Texas wallop Tech.
Plan B:
Ryan wakes up sick at 3 a.m. We decide he'll have to miss the Grapevine birthday party. Brett picks up Katie and brings her on home. Because I still have errands at Memaw's, Brett cancels his plans so he can stay home with Ryan, who's still a little puny. I run errands, and we make Ryan take it easy, just hoping he'll feel up to Trunk of Treats. At 6 p.m., Brett wakes him from a nap, but he doesn't feel perky enough to go. I stay home with Ryan while Brett takes Katie and a neighbor friend to the church building for the big event. In about an hour, though, Ryan starts to really wake up and REALLY wants to go to Trunks of Treats. I grab my little radio (the Horns are losing to Tech 21-0 at this point), Ryan brushes his teeth and hair, and we're out the door. Once we get there, we surprise Brett when we show up and have a happy little reunion.
...post another cat photo!
I don't know what's up with me. On the rare Saturday when I can sleep in, I wake up early. Even on school days lately, I've been known to wake up well before the alarm. Then I'm stuck, wide awake! By the time first period starts, I'm already groggy. I'm ridiculously sleepy all day long, collapse into bed at night, then wake up too early the next morning. What a great cycle.
This morning Ryan woke me up because he wasn't feeling good. Since it was 3 a.m. when he came knocking, my body thinks, HOORAY! It's time to get up for the day! So here I am, adding yet another picture of ChaCha.
They had a blast scaring their friends!
and felt like we'd seen Pepe somewhere before:
We rode our favorite roller coasters, the Giant and the Titan, and then we cruised to the top of the Oil Derrick to see their amazing structures:
And from that vantage point we could see the Batman ride (in yellow--way back there behind the tall Superman and blue Mr. Freeze). The kids were tall enough to ride it--finally!
We worked up a sweat, so Splashwater Falls really cooled us off. Of course, Katie and Ryan just HAD to stand on the bridge after the ride, and THIS was the result:
Hook 'em, Horns! The Longhorns gave us quite a show and a second straight win in the Red River Shootout/Rivalry/Whatever series. Our "lucky endzone" seats were the perfect place to sweat in the heat, squirm through the first half and celebrate TD's like this one in the third quarter. And our end of the Cotton Bowl was really rockin' by the time the clock hit 0:00!
Check out this link for more pix from the game and fair. Fletcher's corny dogs, Marilyn Monroe in butter, thousands of red- and orange-clad football fans: No place but Texas-OU!
We've had a bit of excitement in the family lately, so for now, you can see more pictures from Putt-Putt and Chuck E's here.
You closely watched your big brother, and even though you're 14 months younger, you seemed so ready to do all the things he could already do: walk, talk, play with "big kid" toys. You have always been quick to learn new skills, whether it's on the computer or playing sports in the front yard, and your competitive nature pushed you to try new things ahead of your time.
You've always been so insightful, too. You seem to look at the world differently, seeing it from an unusual perspective. One time you told us that if we lived underground, the ground would be our sky. Hmmm...
You have the most amazing memory, and it's almost scary how quickly you can memorize song lyrics. As we're driving along, some newer song will come on the radio, one that I can barely recall ever hearing before. And there you are in the backseat, singing along!
You're also cool. As your Mom, I'm entitled to call you cute and precious and all those other girly words that accurately describe you, but your tomboy self would rather be cool. And you are! You have a way about you that exudes confidence and ease, and it shows in the way you carry yourself.
So today, you're turning 9. NINE! And you still have that fire that keeps you energized and passionate about the people and things you love. I pray that you'll always keep that fire burning, Sweetie.
We watched a film about the XIT Ranch, and we got a good view of the Goddess of Liberty atop the great dome.
From the visitor center, we walked across the grounds to the Capitol. We've always been big fans of the biggest trees, so we had to stop and pay our respects.
It was a gorgeous day to be in Austin!
While exploring the Capitol, Brett mentioned that there must be hidden passages within the building. With so many nooks and crannies, there were bound to be areas that only insiders would know about. That's what led Ryan to ask a Capitol guide if she knew of any hidden passageways. Her answer? No, but there are five underground tunnels that lead to the Capitol. Katie and I heard her correctly, but Brett and Ryan heard FIVE HUNDRED tunnels! Later, we laughed about that one, trying to picture the labyrinth of tunnels below us.
Eventually we made our way to the annex, where both kids made themselves part of the state seal (the reverse side).
We also meandered around long enough to discover the FIVE tunnels which lead from the annex to other state buildings in the Capitol complex.
So with that pilgrimage complete, we checked into our hotel. Around the time the kids and I headed to the game, Brett took off on his own circuit of Austin Half-Price Books stores.
The game itself wasn't exactly a barn-burner, but it was neat to see the SHSU Bearkat Band. We happen to be related to a former member of that band!
On Sunday we visited Zilker Park, another Austin favorite. This time we took a short hike down a trail along the Barton Creek Greenbelt.
We got an eyeful of flora and fauna.
We couldn't leave Zilker without returning to the kids' old stomping grounds, the playground.
Our weekend ended with an entertaining lunch with some old friends. It had been too long since we'd seen them, and it was the perfect way to wrap up our Austin getaway.