I never knew Mrs. Pakkala, but in the short time I've been reading the tributes written by her loved ones, I can tell she was a wonderful woman. Over and over again, I read about her smile, her compassion, her drive to make the world a better place.
For instance, you can read the beautiful eulogy here. For more comments, you can go to this site to see the memorial page sponsored by Marsh & McLennan Companies, where Deepa was working as a consultant. The New York Times' "Portraits of Grief" profile on Deepa is part of the tribute page found here. The guestbook there includes a tribute from her husband, too.
When I think about the 2,996 people who died in the attacks, I'm overwhelmed. It's hard to grasp such a big number. When I scroll through the unbearably long list of victims at the 2996 site, the names begin to blur. The pain represented by those names is enormous. It's too much for me to process--even five years later.

I pray that her loved ones have found comfort and peace, and I especially pray that Trish will feel her mother's love every day.
I will never forget September 11, 2001, and I pledge to always remember Deepa K. Pakkala.
(Edited to add: The original 2996 has had some server issues, so you can find the list of victims here.)
Wonderful tribute! Donna
Very good tribute to honor Deepa K. Pakkala. This 2,996 project has been an emotional project. I know the tears that well up when I read about the victims of the senseless attacks of that day 5 yars ago, they are heartfelt on my part, but they could never compare to the grieve Deepa's loved ones are still tormented with.
Grieve does torment,
It should never terrorize.
We will see justice for Deepa and all of the other 2,995 who went to work on that fall day 5 years ago, and were murdered.
Good tribute, and I am proud to be a part of the 2,996 project.
I have a list of blogs now, that I know I can read, knowing the bloggers are caring people.
I have seen her picture lots of times before for some reason. It's so hard to sit back and feel like we're doing nothing for these families that are grieving, so this was a great idea, I think. Thanks for joining!
Katie's words made me shudder.
Deepa's tribute was beautiful.
It so pains me to think of her daughter growing up without her... and she must be Carmen's age.
So so sad.
But thanks for recruiting me for the 2996 project. It made me sit still and think and reflect and I needed to do that. So few things in life demand that.
Ms. See-dub,
I was a family friend of Mrs. Pakkala's, and seeing and reading this touched my heart. Thank you for your kind words. She was a beautiful and gentle soul.
Seeing this really makes this day hurt a little less, seeing that there are people who care and have so much good within them. Thank you.
I worked with Deepa Pakkala when she used to work at IDT. She was in my department and had work with her for some time. I still remember her and was shocked when she lost her life on 9/11. Her husband had also worked at IDT and remember when he came to let us know of her fate. Totally a hard worker and quiet. She deserve to see her daughter grow and not have her life taken away like this! GOD BLESS YOU DEEPA! GOD BLESS YOUR DAUGHTER TRISH.
Steve R.
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